peninsula shores camera club

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The  Peninsula Shores Camera Club is a club of photography enthusiasts from the South Bruce Peninsula area.   The club provides a forum for members to develop and share their knowledge of both the creative and technical aspects of photography in a supportive and friendly environment.

We meet in Room 1037 at the Peninsula Shores District School (115 George St.) in Wiarton on the third Thursday of each month from 7-9 p.m., from September through May and hold regular field trips.



Our meetings are over for the season.
We will be back in September.


New members welcome!
(Membership Information at Link Above)


The format for our regular meetings is:

Photography Discussion: The first half hour of each meeting will be dedicated to topics and techniques.   

Monthly Assignment: Showing and discussion of our photos on the assigned theme.

     Show and Share: Sharing of photographs, tips, interesting photo gear and gadgets. 

Field Trips: One or two outings each season.


To give you an idea of our activities, here is last year's program.

2023-2024 Program

21: MEETING: Planning our program for the year
                                                      Slideshow of Members' Photos from the Summer

OCTOBER 19: MEETING: Pinhole Photography  (Sandy Richardson)
                                                 Assignment  Topic: MURALS / PUBLIC ART

FALL  FIELD TRIP: Fall Colours and Fungi, Kemble Mountain, October 24

NOVEMBER 16: MEETING:  Organizing Your Photos / What To Do With Your Photos  (Pam Scott)
                                                Assignment  Topic: ALPHABET (Photos that look like letters)
                                                Show & Share: Photos from Fall Colours Field Trip


FEBRUARY 15: MEETING:  Presentation Postponed 
                                               Assignment  Topic 1: CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE WINDOW  (From January)
                                               Assignment  Topic  2: THEME (Pick a topic and create a photo essay on it)
                                               Show & Share: FROZEN BUBBLES (If you want to try again this year)

WINTER FIELD TRIP: Birds, McGregor Point, February 26

MARCH 21: MEETING: Forced Perspective in Photography  (Ina Bentley)
                                            Assignment  Topic: COLOUR / MONOCHROME (The same photo both ways)
                                            Show & Share:  Photos from Winter Field Trip

APRIL 18: MEETING: Solar Eclipse Photos  (Sandy Richardson)
                                          Assignment  Topic: FACELESS PORTRAITS
                                          Show & Share: Future Trips

SPRING FIELD TRIP 1: Wildflowers, Petrel Point, Date TBA

MAY 16: MEETING: Photographing Moving Things  (Ed Matthews)
                                      Assignment  Topic: PICK A COLOUR (A series of photos featuring that colour)
                                      Show & Share: Year-end Wrap Up      

SPRING FIELD TRIP 2: Purple Valley Horse Club Fun Day, June 1    

SUMMER FIELD TRIP 1: Cheltenham Badlands & John Macfie exhibit at McMichael Gallery, June 25

Further SUMMER FIELD TRIPS: Topics, Locations & Dates TBA

Notes: 1.  Dates and topics for some Field Trips and additional topics for Meetings will be determined nearer the time.
 Since Field Trips are often weather dependent, dates and details will be sent out near the time by e-mail.
          3.  All activities are subject to change - members will be informed of changes by e-mail.



Members' photos, June 2013 at the Wiarton Public Library


Bruce Peninsula Wildflower photos, December 2015 at the Wiarton Public Library